If you’ve been interested in purchasing an Arctic Spas® hot tub, and have been wondering what your water consumption will look like when it comes to draining and refilling, you’re in the right place. This article will help you understand how often you should drain your tub, and how an Arctic Spas® model differs from traditional spas in comparison.
Although the size of the model you choose doesn’t have to do with how often you will be draining it, you may want to take the size into consideration if reducing water consumption is at the top of your list. One way to reduce energy costs is to ensure you purchase the right-sized spa based on your family unit size.
If there is just you and your partner, then the Arctic Fox might be a great choice as it is a smaller model, but still comfortable! The Arctic Fox has a capacity to seat up to four people so you still have the ability to entertain guests if you choose. Reducing energy consumption in the way of water will not only help you remain environmentally conscious but saves money on those energy bills!

Automated Salt Water Care System
If you’re looking for a cost-effective and low-maintenance solution to draining your new spa, the addition of Spa Boy® our automated salt water care system is the answer. This incredible, patented technology uses medical-grade sensors to constantly analyze key water cleanliness parameters and from this data, the Spa Boy® system precisely controls the output of our integrated salt water system, ensuring that sanitizer levels are kept in the absolute optimum range.
Salt water not only provides luxuriously soft water in comparison to traditional hot tub chemicals like bromine or chlorine, but the salt water recycles itself allowing you to save on the costs of chemical products as well. If you’d like to know more about salt water tubs, please see our blog on “Everything You Need to Know About Salt Water Hot Tubs”.
How often do you need to drain your spa?
Traditional spas recommend that your tub be drained three to four times per year. Through our commitment to being a leader in pursuing energy efficiency all of our models only need to be drained once a year! Arctic Spas® is an original member in good standing as a certified HotTubStar manufacturer.
We realize that improving energy efficiency and reducing water consumption is a huge priority in ensuring sustainability for our planet. So when it comes to draining your spa, you can simply drain it, and refill it just once a year with a garden hose.
If you’ve been thinking about those hot relaxing soaks for a while now, especially now that winter is coming, and have been worried about water wastage, then worry no more!
Choosing the right size of tub for your family unit is a great first step in this process. If you would like a low-maintenance and luxurious solution to traditional hot tub chemicals like bromine and chlorine, then salt water is an effective answer.
Knowing that you only need to drain your spa once a year might just be what you needed to know in order to make that purchase you’ve been longing for. Everyone deserves to relax and not have to worry about the potential water consumption when it comes to owning a hot tub. So dip in and have a great soak!